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Entries Tagged as 'cds'
Protected: Coursebook series: Messages 1, EFL vs ESOL/EAL – выбираю учебник
August 27th, 2009 · Enter your password to view comments. · Graded Readers for YLs, Observations, SLA (Second Language Acquisition), TEYL (обучение детей), TRBs - Teachers' Resource Books, Worksheets and Printables
Tags: age differences·alphabet·assessment·audio·British culture·cd-roms·cds·challenges·challenges 1·companion websites·coursebooks·CUP·DVD·EAL·EFL·ESOL·ESOL curriculum·flashcards·geography·Irish culture·letter-formation·mainstream classes·messages 1·mixed-ability·pre-16 education·teaching vyls·trbs·video·worksheets·YL exams