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Entries Tagged as 'writers'
Protected: BOOKS: The Man Booker Prize vs The Man International Booker Prize – 1969 to 2002, 2002 – now
August 6th, 2009 · Enter your password to view comments. · Activities, Web Resources, Worksheets and Printables
Tags: advanced·agreeing and disagreeing·b1·b2·book reviews·booker prize·books and reading·books for native speakers·c1·c2·conversation·discussion·discussion questions·fiction·groupwork·history·ideas·information-gap activities·lesson ideas·literature·matching activities·mill drills·mingles·mutual dictation·novels·pairwork·parallel texts·pelmanism·preferences·speaking activities·spelling·synopses·teaching speaking·Web Resources·writers
BOOKS: что читать – лучшие книги 1949-2009 гг.
August 5th, 2009 · No Comments · Fiction, Web Resources, Worksheets and Printables
The Times опубликовала свою подборку из 60 книг, которые были изданы за последние 60 лет, и которые каждый должен прочитать: The best 60 books of the past 60 years.
Tags: agreeing and disagreeing·book reviews·celebrities·giving examples·literature·novelists·spelling·spoken english·the times·Web Resources·writers