Archive for the ‘Observations’ Category

Protected: 1001 ELT CASE STUDIES * CASE 2 – My students just won’t use all these linking words or new vocab when answering discussion questions … What shall I do? – Use them yourself. Respond to the questions first. Be a good model answer provider.

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Posted on June 27, 2015 at 12:08 am by Stacey · Permalink · Enter your password to view comments.
In: Learning Language Teaching, Observations, Task & Activity Design · Tagged with: , , ,

What is Study-English-Online.Net?

Three Generations of Distance Learning Pedagogy

Three Generations of Distance Learning Pedagogy 1. Cognitive Behaviourism 2. Constructivism 3. Connectivism

Do we ever stop learning vocabulary?

Almost every hobby that lets you evolve from a newbie to an expert implies learning hundreds of collocations within the first couple of months of intensive practice, which amounts to thousands if you continue for over a decade. Every time I meet someone who is interested in something I have not been exposed to much […]

Posted on July 31, 2011 at 5:50 pm by Stacey · Permalink · Leave a comment
In: Observations · Tagged with: , ,

Errors vs Mistakes

a mistake vs an error According to Corder (1967) cited by Ellis (2008), a ‘mistake’ is a deviation in learner language that occurs when learners fail to perform their competence. It is a lapse that reflects processing problems. An error, on the other hand, is a deviation in learner language which results from lack of […]

Social Presence

Social presence is the degree to which an individual feels real or is seen as real while studying in an online context. The higher the degree of the learner’s social presence in a VLE, the lower the probability of the learner not finishing his/her studies.

Online Language Lessons – Idea Bank

It looks like more and more language teaching is being done on the web. Let me summarize what online language teachers have on offer, what they do or could do in theory.  I will list several examples from Curtis J. Bonk & Ke Zhang’s (2008) Empowering Online Learning, pp.  62-63. Types of resources & activities […]

Is Studying 1-to-1 Pairwork?

Does studying 1-to-1 qualify as pairwork? And is it necessarily teacher-centered and bad? Anyone?

Sources of Frustration for E-Learners

According to research, e-learners are likely to be frustrated by technical difficulties communication breakdowns Source: Hara., N (2000). Student Distress In a Web-Based Distance Education Course.

E-Courseware Design: Issues

Let me list some of the topical issues that keep emerging and need to be addressed asap. usability – what I mean here is all the extra clicks that either my students or I make, which takes time. Distributing courseware in space often results in learners’ having to spend more time online than they would […]